
Implementing Customer Care Software

To get a clear picture of the quality of your customer service, you need the right software. This way we can start our monitoring and offer you many extra insights.

Implementing Customer Care Software:
all software you need

CCMP analyses the current situation of your organisation. We use AI-technology and machine learning to form strong analytical and fully objective data about the functioning of your customer service employees. On that base we perform audits. In order to perform this monitoring we need to implement the right software.

Reasons to implement Customer Care Software

Saving you a lot of work and costs in the long-run, executed by our experienced experts. The benefits of this software.

16  Call Scorecards

Call Score Cards

Providing an overview of compliancy, non-critical and critical errors.

17  Software Onafhankelijk


Possible to combine with any other software.

19  Voorkom Problemen

Prevent problems

Proactive instead of reactive because of exact data and conclusions.

20  Data Centralisatie

Centralised data

All reports and sheets in one clear overview.

21  Agenten Stimuleren


Stimulate your agents to up their compliancy through our gaming aspects.

What can CCMP do for your customer care quality? Find out more about this outsource experience.
